Keep an eye out for the 9 things you may not know about Chiropractic. Today is a common misconception about pain. Pain is not something to simply get rid of, pain is your fire alarm telling you something is wrong. Get to the cause!
The next 10 days we will post 1 thing per day that most people don't know about chiropractic. So here we go! Day 1 1. Pain is the last symptom of dysfunction. A patient’s back is often restricted or unstable for months or years before ... it presents as a problem and they show up in a chiropractor’s office. In addition, the absence of pain is not health. While medication may be needed, if you take a pill and the pain goes away, the dysfunction that caused it still persists. Muscle, ligament and joint injuries often occur as a result of long-term biomechanical dysfunction, sometimes from past injuries, making the area more susceptible to future injury.