
Get up and MOVE

MSNBC.com reports today that nearly half of US adults will develop osteoarthritis in their knees. This is mostly because so many American are overweight and the increased weight adds extra stress to this already vulnerable joint. Right now, the only "cure" is knee replacement surgery.

Also reported today, the FDA is strengthening its warnings on 4, count 'em, FOUR arthritis drugs. These drugs are linked to increased fatal FUNGAL infections. I need to admit that these drugs are really for rheumatoid arthritis, not osteoarthritis, but there's really little difference in terms of the dangerous risks associated with any drug.

What's NOT in the news today is that osteoarthritis can be PREVENTED!! Therefore avoiding fungal infection-allowing drugs and dangerous surgery (see my Death By Medicine post).

Osteoarthritis can be prevented by MOVEMENT aka exercise. This is probably not what you would think, but study after study has shown that those who exercise are less likely to develop osteoarthritis. Also, exercise will help you maintain and healthy weight, decreasing the stress placed on those knees.

Furthermore, knees too can be subluxated, just like the spine. Subluxations alter the motion of joints, including knees and thus can lead to arthritis. The only profession in the world who can treat subluxations are chiropractors. Clearly, we are NOT just back doctors.

Additionally, chiropractors are experts in healthy living - which includes diet and exercise, so they can also help you improve your diet and get started on a great exercise routine. Both great ways at reducing weight and avoiding arthritis, as well as a myriad of other dis-eases.

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