
Natural vs Synthetic

I've recently realized that there's a difference between natural and synthetic vitamins. Poor quality vitamins generally consist of an isolated chemical that someone deemed the active part of a whole food. Vitamin C is a great example. Ascorbate has been determined to be the nutritive chemical isolate and many supplements consist of a man-made synthetic version. Oppose to a complex that more closely resembles what would be found in natural food.

With this being said, studies [performed by pharmaceutical companies] on the effectiveness of nutritive supplements utilize synthetic [poor quality] vitamins. It's no surprise than that these studies more often than not, show that vitamins are useless, potentially even harmful.

But what's interesting, more often than not studies [performed by pharmaceutical companies] on the effectiveness of drugs show the drugs to be not only effective, but safe. Does this seem off to you? Vitamins and minerals are required by your body so that it may function adequately and you can be healthy. Nature created vitamins and minerals, yet pharmaceutical company studies show over and over again that not only is the use of vitamins bunk, it may be harmful as well. The lack a vitamins and minerals will without a doubt result in illness...and we've all been trained that illness requires pharmaceutical company produced drugs. Drugs that have been "proven by clinical trial" to be effective and safe. But all this is possible considering the difference between consuming vitamins in a synthetic inert pill versus a vitamin contained in a whole food.

On top of that, drugs are often developed based on studies of not only natural vitamins and minerals but natural herbs as well. How can it be then, that vitamins and minerals and herbs are not only ineffective but possible harmful? It can't be, not entirely anyhow. I believe that mother nature knew a thing or two. The human body is a miraculous creature and it only makes sense that nature also knew how to provide everything the body needed to be healthy and well. Modern day drugs weren't created by nature, they were created by money mongering pharmaceutical companies. Whole foods were created by nature, and the consumption of whole food is capable of preventing disease, even healing disease as well. Food was packaged with everything it needed to be fully utilized by the body. An orange does not contain only ascorbate, but millions of chemical isolates that come together and create something that man cannot reproduce.

Here's an article (again, from MSNBC) that verifies everything I just said within its first 2 paragraphs.

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