

All you back crackers out there, this is for you. You need to STOP!! Getting a back to "crack" is no difficult feat, but making it through over 5 years of chiropractic school on top of 4 years of undergrad, essentially 9 years of schooling after high school is. It takes a lot of time, frustration and dedication to get here, so please allow me to do what I have been trained to do. After all, I'm not trying to be an accountant, psychologist or whatever it is you do.

Here's the deal with self adjusting. A subluxation is a motion segment that has become fixated, it has decreased motion. In an attempt to maintain global range of motion, other segments become HYPERmobile, they move too much. Studies have shown that when you self adjust by twisting your neck, what you're actually adjusting are those hypermobile segments.

Adjusting hypermobile segments sets you up for developing chronic instability. In attempt to create stability the body will build bone spurs, aka degenerative changes, aka arthritis.

Yeah yeah yeah. But when you pop it it feels so much better. This is because the quick impulse causes the musculature to relax, as well as cause mechanorecptors to override the signals from nociceptors (which detect pain) and what have I said in other posts? Just because you don't feel pain doesn't mean there's nothing wrong. And how long is it before you feel it's necessary to crack your back again? See, you didn't fix anything. Please, allow the experts (CHIROPRACTORS) to be the ONLY people who adjust you. We go through extensive training to learn this, in fact it's where our education differs from medical doctors, they focus on pharmacology and we focus on adjusting. Your long term health will thank you for it.

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