
An Ounce of Prevention

I've been avoiding studying for finals today by browsing the internet for preventive health strategies. I think prevention is defined and used incorrectly by the medical profession. Just plain "prevention" is defined as the action of stopping something from arising or happening. "Prevention" as it relates to medicine or the medical profession apparently means the activity which reduces the burden of mortality or morbidity from disease. This it seems indicates the practice of getting regular screening...which would ultimately result in the early diagnosis of disease....not in the actual prevention of disease.

Prevention, as the act of stopping something (disease) from arising, can only be achieved through life style. This includes the replacement of unhealthy dietary practices and the inclusion of healthy ones - replace processed foods with all their synthetic chemicals with whole natural foods; reduce the consumption of white sugar and flour, trans-fats, growth-hormone and steroid laden meats and increase the consumption of anti-oxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and omega-3 rich fish (organic would be even better!). Less time sitting in front of computers and video games or laying on the couch in front of the television and more time playing with the kids (quality time), participating in sports leagues or community clean up programs. These are preventive practices. These are the things that will lead to decreases in inflammatory diseases which include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.

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