I've not heard a bigger lie in ages!! This is not only immoral, but should be illegal!!! No wonder the American public is grossly obese!! Blatant falsehoods are being advertised to the public. The average American doesn't stand a chance.
But, we can overcome this. We just need to use some detective work and critical thinking skills.
1.) Go to the website - sweetsurprise.com (how pleasant and harmless) and scroll to the bottom. Left hand corner - blink and you'll miss it: Corn Refiners Association. Who do you think will make the most money off the increased consumption of high fructose CORN syrup?
2.) Okay, okay! While you were at the website, I know you couldn't help yourself. You quickly perused the links and noticed phrases like "research shows" followed by some positive comment. Start investigating the listed sources and you'll note some interesting findings - which could be construed as conflicts of interest. Additionally, in general, more than half of studies show favorable results for those who fund it...when the same study is repeated by a non-affiliated group, less favorable results tend to be produced...
3.) "But the FDA is listed too!! They say it's good!!" An excellent book, Food Politics, written by Marion Nestle will show you how worthless an FDA endorsement is. Too often, CEOs of big companies/organizations like the Corn Refiners Association get jobs within the FDA or vice versa. Who are they looking out for? Themselves or you? Fat chance. Additionally, the FDA is government related, and easily influenced by lobbying tactics. Oh, and the FDA gave its stamp of approval to Vioxx.
4.) AMA - American Medical Association. Pshh... Where do obese sick people go for help? Hospitals. Medicine. What if people didn't consume high fructose corn syrup? Would we continue to gain weight at astounding rates? Would we develop diabetes and need insulin? Would we need bariatric surgery? What would hospitals and the AMA do then? More importantly, what would the pharmaceutical companies do???
5.) Google "high fructose corn syrup." Nearly a million hits in 0.16 seconds. Definitely more than half, probably at least 97% of those hits discuss the negatives. Including the Mayo Clinic and American Diabetes Association.
High fructose corn syrup IS bad. Period. Nothing containing this nasty ingredient offers much nutritional value, i.e. vitamins and minerals. It's empty calories. But I'll save that for another post. What's really important here is advertising. We're obviously not protected from companies/organizations telling us blatant lies. So it's up to us to protect ourselves, and sift through the crap to see who really stands to benefit.
1 comment:
My name is Tony Gomez and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vioxx.
I am 56 years old. Have been on Vioxx for 2 years now. Everybody that works for the fda that oked this drug should be put in jail.
I have experienced some of these side effects -
heart attack hardening of the arteries and nerve damage in my feet
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Tony Gomez
Vioxx Side Effects
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