
Ask Your Doctor If Death Is Right For You!

Fun fact of the day: Medicine is the number one killer of US citizens!  Between adverse reactions, nosocomial infections, botched surgeries and run of the mill errors, 783,936  people are killed each year.  I don't know about you but this makes me absolutely sick!  You are literally putting your life in danger just by stepping foot in a hospital!

Unfortunately it's not easy to come across these numbers.  A google search of  "#1 killer" is likely to come up with something like heart disease rather than allopathic murder.  This is because hospitals rarely classify their mistakes in the "oops my bad" category.  Rather, hospital acquired infections (nosocomial) is lumped in with those infections caught outside.  Botched surgeries is just another person who couldn't make it. 

This makes America one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to health care.  How could this be?  Because we've allowed politics to infiltrate our health system.  Many people who serve on the FDA (that government agency that "protects" us) have held high positions in pharmaceutical companies and vice versa.  Pharmaceutical companies sponsor research on their own drugs, which over 80% of the time has favorable results (compared to just a bit over 50% if an unbiased party sponsors).  

Everything just mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg.  The current health care system is an atrocity.  It's completely hypocritical to me that chiropractic is deemed quackery and unsafe, when considering in our entire history, we've not harmed as many people who DIE in a single year at the hands of allopathy.  It's time we demand the truth be told, as it is the only way our system be corrected and the health of our country be restored!

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