
Wake Up People!

We as a society are addicted to quick fixes.  When something needs done, it needs done NOW!  In the hustle and bustle of every day life, we've lost our patience and are becoming more dependent on drugs.

With even the slightest headache, we reach for an aspirin or tylenol - which by the way are the #1 cause of liver damage.  We've got a stuffy nose, pass the sudafed.  Can't sleep at night?  Here's the nyquil.  But have we ever stopped to think about why we have these symptoms?

Are runny noses and fevers really the problem?  I hope you're not too surprised when I tell you they aren't.  These are just symptoms caused by the body in response to the real problem - typically a viral infection.  The nose runs in attempt to rid the body of more invaders trapped in mucous.  The body warms up to create an environment that's too warm for the virus to survive.  These are HEALTHY immune responses.  Does it make sense to take a pill to stop these processes?  Now that you think about it, doesn't it make sense why over the counter cold meds don't work?  Even the national news has recently caught on to this!

Okay, so let's help our body eradicate the infection!  Great idea, but antibiotics aren't the answer, especially if the infection is viral, as most cold are.  There's not an antibiotic available anywhere that can tame a viral infection, and your doctor knows this.  By prescribing one, he's just trying to make you happy and shut you up - and this should be malpractice.  If the infection is bacterial, then an antibiotic will help, but it should at least be selective for the causative organism rather than broad spectrum.  Thanks to these miracle drugs, we've got killer bacterial strains like MRSA.

The fact is, your body is, or at least was, well equipped to deal with infections on its own.  Remember that innate intelligence we talked about a few blogs ago?  The human body is quite amazing and has many strategies for dealing with invaders, especially when supported with a good diet, proper rest and a well functioning nervous system.  Not giving your body a chance to stand up against infection weakens it over time.  So the next time you feel yourself coming down with something, take a day off, toughen up and DEAL WITH IT!!  Try giving your body what it really needs for a fighting chance - rest, healthy food and a nervous system-enhancing chiropractic adjustment.

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